No bots. No fake Leads. Guaranteed growth or it's free!
No password required. Cancel anytime.
$950$64917% OFFone-time
To test our services. Trial week valid only once
$2199$245011% OFFone-time
Unlimited Instagram growth & Leads targeting. Ideal for fast organic growth.
$7499$987925% OFFone-time
Fully-managed growth & content by your own dedicated Instagram Manager.
Feature | Included |
Monthly Leads | 300 - 700 Leads |
Real Engagement | Yes |
AI Profile Optimization | No |
Smart Competitor Targeting | No |
Location Filter | Yes |
Age & Gender Filters | Yes |
Language Targeting | Yes |
24/7 Live Growth | Yes |
Real-Time Analytics | Yes |
MySocialUp Boost™ | No | No |
Inspiration Library | No |
Feature | Included |
Monthly Leads | 1,000 - 2,000+ Leads |
Real Engagement | Yes |
AI-Optimization | Yes |
Smart Auto Targeting | Yes |
Location Filter | Yes |
Age & Gender Filters | Yes |
Language Targeting | Yes |
24/7 Live Growth | Yes |
Real-Time Analytics | Yes |
MySocialUp Boost™ | Yes |
PDF Growth Reports | No |
Inspiration Library | No |
Feature | Included |
Monthly Leads | 7,000 - 10,000+ Leads |
Real Engagement | Yes |
AI-Optimization | Yes |
Smart Auto Targeting | Yes |
Location Filter | Yes |
Age & Gender Filters | Yes |
Language Targeting | Yes |
24/7 Live Growth | Yes |
Real-Time Analytics | Yes |
MySocialUp Boost™ | Yes |
PDF Growth Reports | Yes |
Inspiration Library | Yes |
Trial | Pro | Turbo | |
Plans Comparison | $950 . Try Trial | $2199 . Try Pro | $7499 . Try Turbo |
Leads per Plans The estimated number of new Leads per plans. Each plan lasts 1 month, or 1 week if you ask for MySocialUp Boost™ (it's free) – full refund if there's no net-positive growth after 7 days. | 300 - 700 Leads | 1,000 - 2,000+ Leads | 7,000 - 10,000+ Leads |
Potential Earnings The potential earning per plans. | → 300 Followers (100%) → 240 New DMs (80%) → 192 Funnels Started (80%) → 19 Calls scheduled (10%) → 15 Call Attendance (80%) → 3 Conversions (20%)LTV : $500 x 3 Conversions = $1,500Earned Media Value : $1 per follower x 300 = $300 | → 1,000 Followers (100%) → 800 New DMs (80%) → 640 Funnels Started (80%) → 64 Calls scheduled (10%) → 51 Call Attendance (80%) → 10 Conversions (20%)LTV : $500 x 10 Conversions = $5,000Earned Media Value : $1 per follower x 1,000 = $1,000 | → 7,000 Followers (100%) → 5,600 New DMs (80%) → 4,480 Funnels Started (80%) → 448 Calls scheduled (10%) → 358 Call Attendance (80%) → 72 Conversions (20%)LTV : $500 x 72 Conversions = $36 000Earned Media Value : $1 per follower x 7,000 = $7,000 |
Real Engagement Get real active engagement (likes, comments, post & story views, etc.) from real people, constantly – no bots or fake accounts. | Included in Trial | Included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
AI-Optimization We use Artifical Intelligence data models to suggest you the best profile optimization for your Instagram profile. | Not included in Trial | Included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
Smart Auto Targeting Smartly target your audience with our Auto Audience Targeting feature, powered by advanced AI algorithms and data-driven insights. | Not included in Trial | Included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
Location Filter Reach the right people in the right places with Instagram Location Targeting, designed to help you grow your local presence. | Included in Trial | Included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
Age & Gender Filters Filter your Leads by age and gender, giving you more control over your target audience. Beta testing. | Included in Trial | Included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
Language Targeting Reach your Leads in their own language with our AI Follower Language Targeting, designed to help you communicate more effectively. | Included in Trial | Included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
24/7 Live Growth Enjoy 24/7 Real-Time Growth and watch your Instagram account expand with our cutting-edge automation technology – even while you sleep. | Included in Trial | Included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
Analytics Instant access to your comprehensive dashboard that allows you to analyze your follower growth, engagement, content, and much more, in real-time. | Included in Trial | Included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
MySocialUp Boost™ The all-new Boost™ feature: 4 times as many automated accounts so your plan's results are visible in 1 week, instead of 1 month! | Not included in Trial | Included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
Growth Reports Gain valuable insights with our in-depth analytics and downloadable reports. Easily track your growth with and get a comprehensive view of your performance. | Not included in Trial | Not included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
Inspiration Library Access our Viral Instagram Content Library, post ideas & templates and stay ahead of the competition with the latest trending content in your niche. | Not included in Trial | Not included in Pro | Included in Turbo |
Choose your plan | Try Trial | Try Pro | Try Turbo |
MySocialUp helps you get more Instagram Leads, likes and comments (and a bunch of other stuff) 50x faster using Automation + GPT-4.
4.98 /5 - from +50 reviews
Stop stressing about your Instagram account - our winning growth tactics are time-tested to help you achieve real results – fast & guaranteed!
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